为方便开发者使用服务端Java SDK,本文对SDK中主要接口的功能、参数及属性、返回值,以及SDK与服务端交互过程中存在的错误进行介绍。另外,为使开发者能够较快的熟悉和使用SDK接口,给出了pushMsgToSingleDevice接口的调用流程实例。如果开发者想了解更多接口的使用方法,可查看com.baidu.yun.push.sample包中的实例。
交互成功,REST API返回的Http Status Code非200时,server端将返回错误的提示信息,具体见错误码表。
快速入门帮组用户快速使用Java sdk,熟悉API接口的调用流程。具体见Java sdk 快速入门
该类用于接收分配给开发者app的apiKey 和 secretKey。其构造函数的参数定义如下:
参数名 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
apiKey | String | 是 | 无 | 访问令牌,可通过该值获得开发者app的信息 |
secretKey | String | 是 | 无 | 与apiKey成对出现,用于app的合法身份验证 |
参数名 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
pair | PushKeyPair | 是 | 必须是apiKey和secretKey构造的对象 | 包含apiKey和secretKey成员 |
host | String | 否 | 建议使用推荐的域名 | 访问域名 |
public long getRequestId ();
public int getErrorCode ();
public String getErrorMsg ();
public PushMsgToSingleDeviceResponse pushMsgToSingleDevice (PushMsgToSingleDeviceRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
channelId | String | 是 | 必须为客户端初始化成功之后返回的channelId,默认null。 | 唯一对应一台设备 |
msgType | Integer | 否 | 十进制取值如下: 0:透传消息 1:通知 默认值为0 |
消息类型 |
message | String | 是 | 详细见消息/通知格式定义,默认null。 | 消息内容,json格式,详见通知数据格式 |
msgExpires | Integer | 否 | 取值:(0, 86400 x 7],默认值为3600 x 5 | 相对于当前时间的消息过期时间,单位为秒 |
deployStatus | Integer | 否 | 仅IOS应用推送时使用,默认值为null, 取值如下: 1:开发状态 2:生产状态 |
topicId | String | 否 | 指定的topic变量. 长度限制 1 – 128字节, 由数字,字母和下划线组成。 |
类别主题 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp,消息发送时间, 定时消息为消息待发送时间。 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToSingleDeviceRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToSingleDeviceResponse;
public class PushMsgToSingleDevice {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
/*1. 创建PushKeyPair
String apiKey = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
String secretKey = “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”;
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey,secretKey);
// 2. 创建BaiduPushClient,访问SDK接口
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. 注册YunLogHandler,获取本次请求的交互信息
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler (new YunLogHandler () {
public void onHandle (YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. 设置请求参数,创建请求实例
PushMsgToSingleDeviceRequest request = new PushMsgToSingleDeviceRequest().
addMsgExpires(new Integer(3600)). //设置消息的有效时间,单位秒,默认3600*5.
addMessageType(1). //设置消息类型,0表示透传消息,1表示通知,默认为0.
add("{\"title\":\"TEST\",\"description\":\"Hello Baidu push!\"}").
addDeviceType(3); //设置设备类型,deviceType => 1 for web, 2 for pc,
//3 for android, 4 for ios, 5 for wp.
// 5. 执行Http请求
PushMsgToSingleDeviceResponse response = pushClient.
// 6. Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("msgId: " + response.getMsgId()
+ ",sendTime: " + response.getSendTime());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
//ERROROPTTYPE 用于设置异常的处理方式 -- 抛出异常和捕获异常,
//'true' 表示抛出, 'false' 表示捕获。
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
msgId: 1845554807597775963,sendTime: 1426482263
public PushMsgToAllResponse pushMsgToAll (PushMsgToAllRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
msgType | Integer | 否 | 取值如下: 0:透传消息 1:通知 默认值为0 |
消息类型 |
message | String | 是 | 详细见消息/通知格式定义 | 消息内容,json格式,详见通知数据格式 |
msgExpires | Integer | 否 | 取值:(0, 86400 x 7],默认值为3600 x 5 | 相对于当前时间的消息过期时间,单位为秒 |
deployStatus | Integer | 否 | 仅IOS应用推送时使用,默认值为null, 取值如下: 1:开发状态 2:生产状态 |
sendTime | Long | 否 | 待发送时间戳,必须在当前时间60s以外,1年(31536000s)以内,默认为null。 | 用于定时消息推送 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
timerId | String | 否 | 推送定时消息时,返回该字段, 标识定时任务。 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp,消息发送时间, 定时消息为消息待发送时间。 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToAllRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToAllResponse;
public class PushMsgToAll {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
PushMsgToAllRequest request = new PushMsgToAllRequest()
.addMsgExpires(new Integer(3600)).addMessageType(0)
.add("Hello Baidu Push.")
// 设置定时推送时间,必需超过当前时间一分钟,单位秒.实例70秒后推送
.addSendTime(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 70).
// 5. http request
PushMsgToAllResponse response = pushClient.pushMsgToAll(request);
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("msgId: " + response.getMsgId() + ",sendTime: "
+ response.getSendTime() + ",timerId: "
+ response.getTimerId());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
msgId: 5260418817295928211,sendTime: 1426498139,timerId: null
msgId: 919224673810388259,sendTime: 1426498320,timerId: 2149178636194514179
public PushMsgToTagResponse pushMsgToTag (PushMsgToTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 是 | 1~128字节。注:tag的值 不允许为"default",否则判错。 |
标签名 |
msgType | Integer | 否 | 取值如下: 0:透传消息 1:通知 默认值为0 |
消息类型 |
message | String | 是 | 消息内容 | 详见通知数据格式 |
msgExpires | Integer | 否 | 取值:(0, 86400 x 7],默认值为3600 x 5 | 相对于当前时间的消息过期时间,单位为秒 |
deployStatus | Integer | 否 | 仅IOS应用推送时使用,默认值为null, 取值如下: 1:开发状态 2:生产状态 |
sendTime | Long | 否 | 待发送时间戳,必须在当前时间60s以外,1年(31536000s)以内,默认为null。 | 定时消息推送时间 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
timerId | String | 否 | 推送定时消息时,返回该字段, 标识定时任务。 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp,消息发送时间, 定时消息为消息待发送时间。 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToTagResponse;
public class PushMsgToTag {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
// pushTagTpye = 1 for common tag pushing
PushMsgToTagRequest request = new PushMsgToTagRequest()
.addMsgExpires(new Integer(3600))
// .addSendTime(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 70).
.addMessage("{\"title\":\"TEST\",\"description\":\"Hello Baidu push!\"}")
// 5. http request
PushMsgToTagResponse response = pushClient.pushMsgToTag(request);
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("msgId: " + response.getMsgId() + ",sendTime: "
+ response.getSendTime() + ",timerId: "
+ response.getTimerId());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
msgId: 102696170400890979,sendTime: 1426496078,timerId: null
msgId: 3595081265201046643,sendTime: 1426496348,timerId: 1449208101943652843
public PushMsgToSmartTagResponse pushMsgToSmartTag (PushMsgToSmartTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
selector | String | 是 | 组合运算表达式 | 格式见实例 |
msgType | Integer | 否 | 取值如下: 0:透传消息 1:通知 默认值为0 |
消息类型 |
message | String | 是 | 消息内容 | 详见通知数据格式 |
msgExpires | Integer | 否 | 取值:(0, 86400 x 7],默认值为3600 x 5 | 相对于当前时间的消息过期时间,单位为秒 |
deployStatus | Integer | 否 | 仅IOS应用推送时使用,默认值为null, 取值如下: 1:开发状态 2:生产状态 |
sendTime | Long | 否 | 待发送时间戳,必须在当前时间60s以外,1年(31536000s)以内,默认为null。 | 用于定时消息推送 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
timerId | String | 否 | 推送定时消息时,返回该字段, 标识定时任务。 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp,消息发送时间, 定时消息为消息待发送时间。 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import net.sf.json.JSONArray;
import net.sf.json.JSONObject;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToSmartTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushMsgToSmartTagResponse;
public class PushMsgToSmartTag {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// tag operation pushing
// example.1 {"OR":{"tag":["xxxx","xxxx"]}}
JSONObject selector = new JSONObject();
JSONObject tmpJson = new JSONObject();
JSONArray tagArray = new JSONArray();
tagArray.add(0, "xxxxx");
tagArray.add(1, "xxxxx");
tmpJson.put("tag", tagArray);
selector.put("OR", tmpJson); // "AND":交,"OR":并,"DIFF":差
// example.2 {"OR":[{"tag":"xxxx"},{"tag":"xxxx"}]}
// JSONObject firstTag = new JSONObject();
// firstTag.put("tag", "xxxx");
// JSONObject secondTag = new JSONObject();
// secondTag.put("tag", "xxxx");
// JSONArray tagArray = new JSONArray();
// tagArray.add(0, firstTag);
// tagArray.add(1, secondTag);
// selector.put("OR", tagArray);
PushMsgToSmartTagRequest request = new PushMsgToSmartTagRequest()
.addMsgExpires(new Integer(3600))
.addMessage("{\"title\":\"TEST\",\"description\":\"Hello Baidu push!\"}")
// 5. http request
PushMsgToSmartTagResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("msgId: " + response.getMsgId() + ",sendTime: "
+ response.getSendTime() + ",timerId: "
+ response.getTimerId());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
msgId: 363098401823324515,sendTime: 1426498450,timerId: null
msgId: 7817030162251044755,sendTime: 1426498712,timerId: 4492866703711133835
public PushBatchUniMsgResponse pushBatchUniMsg (PushBatchUniMsgRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
channelIds | String | 是 | 内容为JSONArray格式,多个设备的channelId,格式为:[channelId1,channelId2,…],最多一万个 | |
msgType | Integer | 否 | 0:透传消息, 1:通知,默认值为0 | 消息类型 |
message | String | 是 | 消息内容 | 详见通知数据格式 |
msgExpires | Integer | 否 | 取值:(0, 86400 x 7],默认值为3600 x 5 | 相对于当前时间的消息过期时间,单位为秒 |
topicId | String | 否 | 1~128字节 | 类别主题 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp,消息发送时间, 定时消息为消息待发送时间 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushBatchUniMsgRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.PushBatchUniMsgResponse;
public class PushBatchUniMsg {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
String[] channelIds = { "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" };
PushBatchUniMsgRequest request = new PushBatchUniMsgRequest()
.addMsgExpires(new Integer(3600))
.addMessage("{\"title\":\"TEST\",\"description\":\"Hello Baidu push!\"}")
.addDeviceType(3).addTopicId("BaiduPush");// 设置类别主题
// 5. http request
PushBatchUniMsgResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println(String.format("msgId: %s, sendTime: %d",
response.getMsgId(), response.getSendTime()));
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
msgId: 8359916630390886579, sendTime: 1426497933
public QueryMsgStatusResponse queryMsgStatus (QueryMsgStatusRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 推送接口返回的msg_id或是msg_id的数组。 当查询单个msg的状态时,传入消息的String 类型的id, 当查询批量消息的状态时,需要传入消息id的String数组。 |
消息id |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | 是 | 消息推送的个数 |
msgSendInfos | List<MsgSendInfo> | 是 | 消息推送后的状态 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息ID |
msgStatus | Integer | 是 | 取值如下: 0:已发送 1:待发送 2:正在发送 3:失败 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp |
successCount | Integer | 是 | 成功到达数 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.KeyValueForAck;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.MsgSendInfo;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryMsgStatusRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryMsgStatusResponse;
public class QueryMsgStatus {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
String[] msgIds = { "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" };
QueryMsgStatusRequest request = new QueryMsgStatusRequest()
// 5. http request
QueryMsgStatusResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum() + "\n"
+ "result:");
if (null != response) {
List<?> list = response.getMsgSendInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
if (object instanceof MsgSendInfo) {
MsgSendInfo msgSendInfo = (MsgSendInfo) object;
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("List[" + i + "]: {" + "msgId = "
+ msgSendInfo.getMsgId() + ",status = "
+ msgSendInfo.getMsgStatus() + ",sendTime = "
+ msgSendInfo.getSendTime() + ",successCount = "
+ msgSendInfo.getSuccessCount());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 4
List[0]: {msgId = 8703472462034295699,status = 0,sendTime = 1426499473,successCount = 2}
List[1]: {msgId = 1149561062811585027,status = 0,sendTime = 1426499489,successCount = 5}
List[2]: {msgId = 6659987791096849155,status = 0,sendTime = 1426499501,successCount = 63}
List[3]: {msgId = 5578973573761499459,status = 0,sendTime = 1426499512,successCount = 3}
public QueryTimerRecordsResponse queryTimerRecords (QueryTimerRecordsRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
timerId | String | 是 | 推送接口返回的timer_id | 定时任务id |
start | Integer | 否 | 32位整数,默认值为0 | 起始索引位置 |
limit | Integer | 否 | 整数:[1,100],默认值为100 | 一次查询的记录条数 |
rangeStart | Long | 否 | 指定查询起始时间范围,以消息记录中sendTime为准, 默认取值:现在所在时间往前数七天的0点时间戳。 |
unix timestamp |
rangeEnd | Long | 否 | 指定查询时间范围,以消息记录中sendTime为准, 默认时间为当前时间 |
unix timestamp |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
timerId | String | 是 | 定时任务id |
timerRecords | List<Record> | 是 | timerRecords属性是List, 内部存放该timer触发的 所有消息状态。 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息Id |
status | Integer | 是 | 取值如下: 0:已发送 1:待发送 2:正在发送 3:失败 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTimerRecordsRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTimerRecordsResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.Record;
public class QueryTimerRecords {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryTimerRecordsRequest request = new QueryTimerRecordsRequest()
.addTimerId("xxxxxxxxxxxx").addStart(0).// 设置索引起始位置
addLimit(10).// 设置查询记录条数
// addRangeStart(new Long(xxxxxxxx)).//设置查询开始时间
// addRangeEnd(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).//设置查询结束时间
// 5. http request
QueryTimerRecordsResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("timerId: " + response.getTimerId()
+ "\nresult: \n");
if (null != response) {
List<?> list = response.getTimerRecords();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
if (object instanceof Record) {
Record record = (Record) object;
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("List[" + i + "]: {" + "msgId = "
+ record.getMsgId() + ",status = "
+ record.getMsgStatus() + ",sendTime = "
+ record.getSendTime() + "}");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
timerId: 6824860712119335531
List[0]: {msgId = 8703472462034295699,status = 0,sendTime = 1426499473}
public QueryTopicRecordsResponse queryTopicRecords (QueryTopicRecordsRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
topicId | String | 是 | 指定的topic变量. 长度限制 1 – 128字节, 由数字,字母和下划线组成。 |
统计一批单播或一次批量单播的到达情况 |
start | Integer | 否 | 32位整数,默认值为0 | 起始索引位置 |
limit | Integer | 否 | 整数:[1,100],默认值为100 | 一次查询的记录条数 |
rangeStart | Long | 否 | 指定查询起始时间范围,以消息记录中sendTime为准, default: 现在所在时间前数七天的0点时间戳 | unix timestamp |
rangeEnd | Long | 否 | 指定查询时间范围,以消息记录中sendTime为准, default: 现在时刻 | unix timestamp |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
topicId | String | 是 | 定时任务id |
topicRecords | List<Record> | 是 | topicRecords属性是List, 批量消息的到达状态。 |
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 描述 |
msgId | String | 是 | 消息id |
status | Integer | 是 | 取值: 0:已发送 1:待发送 2:正在发送 3:失败 |
sendTime | long | 是 | unix timestamp |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTopicRecordsRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTopicRecordsResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.Record;
public class QueryTopicRecords {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryTopicRecordsRequest request = new QueryTopicRecordsRequest()
// addRangeStart(new Long(xxxxxxxx)).
// addRangeEnd(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).
// 5. http request
QueryTopicRecordsResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (null != response) {
strBuilder.append("topicId: " + response.getTopicId() + "\n"
+ "result:{");
List<?> list = response.getTopicRecords();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
if (i != 0) {
if (object instanceof Record) {
Record record = (Record) object;
.append("{msgId: " + record.getMsgId()
+ ", status: " + record.getMsgStatus()
+ ", sendTime: " + record.getSendTime()
+ "}\n");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
topicId: BaiduPush
{msgId: 2737902026941133811, status: 0, sendTime: 1426557100}
,{msgId: 8359916630390886579, status: 0, sendTime: 1426497933}
public QueryTimerListResponse queryTimerList (QueryTimerListRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
timerId | String | 否 | 推送接口返回的timerId | 标示一个定时推送任务 |
start | Integer | 否 | 32位整数,默认值为0 | 起始索引位置 |
limit | Integer | 否 | 整数,范围[1,100],默认值为10 | 一次查询的记录条数 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | 定时推送任务的总数量 |
timerResultInfos | List<TimerResultInfo> | timers属性是List,内部存放 该timer触发的所有消息状态。 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
timerId | String | 消息ID |
sendTime | long | 本次定时任务推送时间,unix timestamp |
message | String | 消息内容 |
msgTpye | int | 消息类型: 0:透传消息 1:通知 |
rangeType | int | 取值如下: 消息或通知发送的范围类型 0:tag组播 1:广播 2:批量单播 3:组合运算 4:精准推送 5:LBS推送 6:强订阅组播推送 7: 单播 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTimerListRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTimerListResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.TimerResultInfo;
public class QueryTimerList {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryTimerListRequest request = new QueryTimerListRequest().
// addTimerId("xxxxxxxxxxxx"). //设置查询一个定时任务
// 5. http request
QueryTimerListResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum() + "\n"
+ "result:");
if (null != response) {
List<?> list = response.getTimerResultInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (object instanceof TimerResultInfo) {
TimerResultInfo timerResult = (TimerResultInfo) object;
strBuilder.append("List[" + i + "]: " + "timerId= "
+ timerResult.getTimerId() + ",sendTime= "
+ timerResult.getSendTime() + ",= "
+ timerResult.get() + ",msgType= "
+ timerResult.getMsgType() + ",rangeType= "
+ timerResult.getRangeType() + "\n");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 1
List[0]: timerId= 6877567086973893604,sendTime= 1426612683,= {"aps":{"alert":"Hello Baidu Push","badge":1,"sound":"ttt"},"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"},msgType= 5,rangeType= 0
Android (注:部分查询条件addStart(0).addLimit(1))
totalNum: 9
List[0]: timerId= 5569743024030499907,sendTime= 1426594884,= {"title":"TEST","description":"Hello Baidu Push","notification_basic_style":4,"open_type":1,"net_support":1,"user_confirm":0,"url":"http://push.baidu.com","pkg_name":"com.baidu.bccsclient","pkg_version":"0.1","custom_content":{"key":"value"}},msgType= 5,rangeType= 0
public QueryTopicListResponse queryTopicList (QueryTopicListRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
start | Integer | 否 | 32位整数,默认值为0 | 起始索引位置 |
limit | Integer | 否 | 整数,范围[1,20],默认值为20。 | 一次查询的记录条数 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | 定时推送任务的总数量 |
topicResultInfos | List<TopicResultInfo> | topics属性是List, 内部存放topic的消息状态。 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
topicId | String | 类别主题唯一标识码 |
firstPushTime | long | 第一次发送包含该topic的消息的发送时间 |
lastPushTime | long | 最后一次发送包含该topic的消息的发送时间 |
totalPushDevsNum | int | 该topic在之前90天内总的推送设备数, 其中返回值-1代表数据未处于待查询状态。 |
totalAckDevsNum | int | 本次topic在当前90天内的总的到达数, 其中返回值-1代表数据未处于待查询状态。 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTopicListRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTopicListResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.TopicResultInfo;
public class QueryTopicList {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryTopicListRequest request = new QueryTopicListRequest()
// 5. http request
QueryTopicListResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum() + "\n"
+ "result:");
if (null != response) {
List<?> list = response.getTimerResultInfos();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
if (object instanceof TopicResultInfo) {
TopicResultInfo topicResult = (TopicResultInfo) object;
strBuilder.append("List[" + i + "]: " + "topicId= "
+ topicResult.getTopicId() + ",firstPushTime= "
+ topicResult.getFirstPushTime()
+ ",lastPushTime= "
+ topicResult.getLastPushTime()
+ ",totalPushDevsNum= "
+ topicResult.getTotalPushDevsNum()
+ ",totalAckDevsNum= "
+ topicResult.getTotalAckDevsNum());
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 1
List[0]: topicId= BaiduPush,firstPushTime= 1426497933,lastPushTime= 1426557100,totalPushDevsNum= 1,totalAckDevsNum= 1
public QueryTagsResponse queryTags (QueryTagsRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 否 | 1-128字节。注:tag的值 不允许为"default",否则判错。 |
标签变量,不传则获取 app下所有标签信息。 |
start | Integer | 否 | 正整数,默认0 | 查询起始位置 |
limit | Integer | 否 | 正整数,[1,100],默认值为100 | 一次查询条数 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | tag总数 |
tagsInfo | List<TagInfo> | tag详细信息 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
tagId | String | 标签id |
tagName | String | 标签名 |
info | String | 用于进一步描述标签的附件信息 |
createTime | long | 标签创建时间,unix timestamp |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTagsRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryTagsResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.TagInfo;
public class QueryTags {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryTagsRequest request = new QueryTagsRequest()
// 5. http request
QueryTagsResponse response = pushClient.queryTags(request);
// Http请求返回值解析
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum() + "\n");
if (null != response) {
List<?> list = response.getTagsInfo();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Object object = list.get(i);
if (object instanceof TagInfo) {
TagInfo tagInfo = (TagInfo) object;
strBuilder.append("List[" + i + "]: " + "tagId="
+ tagInfo.getTagId() + ",tag="
+ tagInfo.getTagName() + ",info="
+ tagInfo.getInfo() + ",type="
+ tagInfo.getType() + ",creatTime="
+ tagInfo.getCreateTime() + "\n");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 5
List[0]: tagId=2278273722910086571,tag=default,info=default,type=0,creatTime=1426075686
List[1]: tagId=48115225,tag=pushdemo1,info=pushdemo15476398,type=2,creatTime=1426497111
List[2]: tagId=48115397,tag=pushdemo2,info=pushdemo25476398,type=2,creatTime=1426497226
List[3]: tagId=48115402,tag=pushdemo3,info=pushdemo35476398,type=2,creatTime=1426497234
List[4]: tagId=48115413,tag=pushdemo4,info=pushdemo45476398,type=2,creatTime=1426497239
public CreateTagResponse createTag (CreateTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 是 | 1-128字节。注:tag的值 不允许为"default",否则判错。 |
标签变量,不传则获取 应用下所有标签信息 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 标签变量 |
result | int | 状态值: 0:创建成功 1:创建失败 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.CreateTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.CreateTagResponse;
public class CreateTag {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
CreateTagRequest request = new CreateTagRequest().addTagName(
// 5. http request
CreateTagResponse response = pushClient.createTag(request);
System.out.println(String.format("tagName: %s, result: %d",
response.getTagName(), response.getResult()));
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
tagName: pushdemo, result: 0
public DeleteTagResponse deleteTag (DeleteTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 否 | 1-128字节。注:tag的值 不允许为"default",否则判错。 |
标签变量,不传则获取 app下所有标签信息 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 标签变量 |
result | int | 状态值: 0:创建成功 1:创建失败 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeleteTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeleteTagResponse;
public class DeleteTag {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
DeleteTagRequest request = new DeleteTagRequest().addTagName(
"xxxxx").addDeviceType(new Integer(3));
// 5. http request
DeleteTagResponse response = pushClient.deleteTag(request);
// Http请求返回值解析
System.out.println(String.format("tagName: %s, result: %d",
response.getTagName(), response.getResult()));
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
tagName: pushdemo, result: 0
public AddDevicesToTagResponse addDevicesToTag (AddDevicesToTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 是 | 必须是成功创建的tag,且其值不能为"default"。 | 标签变量 |
channelIds | String | 是 | 数组,[channelId1, channelId2,...], 最多10个。 | channelId列表 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
devicesInfoAfterAdded | List<DeviceInfo> | tag组内的设备标识及 添加操作的结果状态值。 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
channelId | String | 设备id |
result | int | 状态值: 0:成功 1:失败 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.AddDevicesToTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.AddDevicesToTagResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeviceInfo;
public class AddDevicesToTag {
public static void main(String[] args) throws PushClientException,
PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacted information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
String[] channelIds = { "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" };
AddDevicesToTagRequest request = new AddDevicesToTagRequest()
// 5. http request
AddDevicesToTagResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
if (null != response) {
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<?> devicesInfo = response.getDevicesInfoAfterAdded();
for (int i = 0; i < devicesInfo.size(); i++) {
Object object = devicesInfo.get(i);
if (i != 0) {
if (object instanceof DeviceInfo) {
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = (DeviceInfo) object;
+ deviceInfo.getChannelId() + ",result:"
+ deviceInfo.getResult() + "}");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
public DeleteDevicesFromTagResponse deleteDevicesFromTag (DeleteDevicesFromTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 是 | 必须是成功创建的tag,且其值不能为"default"。 | 标签变量 |
channelIds | String | 是 | [channelId1, channelId2, ...],最多10个。 | channelId列表 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
devicesInfoAfterDel | List<DeviceInfo> | tag组内的设备标识 及添加操作的结果状态值 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
channelId | String | 设备id |
result | int | 状态值: 0:成功 1:失败 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeleteDevicesFromTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeleteDevicesFromTagResponse;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.DeviceInfo;
public class DeleteDevicesFromTag {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
String[] channelIds = { "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" };
DeleteDevicesFromTagRequest request = new DeleteDevicesFromTagRequest()
// 5. http request
DeleteDevicesFromTagResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
if (null != response) {
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<?> list = response.getDevicesInfoAfterDel();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) {
Object object = list.get(i);
if (object instanceof DeviceInfo) {
DeviceInfo deviceInfo = (DeviceInfo) object;
strBuilder.append("{channelId: "
+ deviceInfo.getChannelId() + ", result: "
+ deviceInfo.getResult() + "}");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
devicesInfoAfterDel:{{channelId: 3569104444463414374, result: 0},{channelId: 3775739456230007867, result: 1}}
public QueryDeviceNumInTagResponse queryDeviceNumInTag (QueryDeviceNumInTagRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
tagName | String | 是 | 必须是成功创建的tag, 且其值不能为"default"。 |
标签变量 |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
deviceNum | int | 标签中设备的数量 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryDeviceNumInTagRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryDeviceNumInTagResponse;
public class QueryDeviceNumInTag {
public static void main(String[] args) throws PushClientException,
PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryDeviceNumInTagRequest request = new QueryDeviceNumInTagRequest()
// 5. http request
QueryDeviceNumInTagResponse response = pushClient
if (null != response) {
System.out.println(String.format("deviceNum: %d",
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
deviceNum: 12
public QueryStatisticTopicResponse queryStatisticTopic (QueryStatisticTopicRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 必需 | 限制 | 描述 |
topicId | String | 是 | 长度1-128字节 | 将查询的目标topicId |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | 总计结果集条数 |
result | List<KeyValueForTopic> | 本topic的ack信息 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
timestamp | String | unix timestamp |
value | TopicStatUnit | 消息ack相关信息 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
ack | int | ack数量 |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.KeyValueForTopic;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryStatisticTopicRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryStatisticTopicResponse;
public class QueryStatisticTopic {
public static void main(String[] args) throws PushClientException,
PushServerException {
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler(new YunLogHandler() {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryStatisticTopicRequest request = new QueryStatisticTopicRequest()
// 5. http request
QueryStatisticTopicResponse response = pushClient
// Http请求返回值解析
if (null != response) {
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum());
List<KeyValueForTopic> topicStats = response.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < topicStats.size(); i++) {
KeyValueForTopic keyValue = topicStats.get(i);
if (i != 0) {
strBuilder.append("" + keyValue.getKey() + ":{"
+ "ackNum: " + keyValue.getValue().getAckNum()
+ "}");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 1
result:{1426521600:{ackNum: 1}
public QueryStatisticDeviceResponse queryStatisticDevice (QueryStatisticDeviceRequest request) throws PushClientException,PushServerException;
变量 | 类型 | 限制 | 描述 | |
deviceType | Integer | 否 | 3:Android,4:IOS | 设备类型 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
totalNum | int | 总计结果集条数 |
result | List<KeyValueForDevice> | 具体的信息 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
timestamp | String | unix timestamp |
value | DeviceStatUnit | 设备统计信息 |
变量 | 类型 | 描述 |
newTerm | int | 新增用户数 |
delTerm | int | 解绑用户数 |
onlineTerm | int | 在线用户数 |
addUpTerm | int | 累计终端数 |
totalTerm | int | 有效channelId总数, 等于addUpTerm 减去 delTerm |
package com.baidu.yun.push.sample;
import java.util.List;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogEvent;
import com.baidu.yun.core.log.YunLogHandler;
import com.baidu.yun.push.auth.PushKeyPair;
import com.baidu.yun.push.client.BaiduPushClient;
import com.baidu.yun.push.constants.BaiduPushConstants;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushClientException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.exception.PushServerException;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.KeyValueForDevice;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryStatisticDeviceRequest;
import com.baidu.yun.push.model.QueryStatisticDeviceResponse;
public class QueryStatisticDevice {
public static void main(String[] args)
throws PushClientException,PushServerException{
// 1. get apiKey and secretKey from developer console
String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
String secretKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
PushKeyPair pair = new PushKeyPair(apiKey, secretKey);
// 2. build a BaidupushClient object to access released interfaces
BaiduPushClient pushClient = new BaiduPushClient(pair,
// 3. register a YunLogHandler to get detail interacting information
// in this request.
pushClient.setChannelLogHandler (new YunLogHandler () {
public void onHandle(YunLogEvent event) {
try {
// 4. specify request arguments
QueryStatisticDeviceRequest request = new QueryStatisticDeviceRequest().
// 5. http request
QueryStatisticDeviceResponse response = pushClient.
// Http请求返回值解析
if (null != response) {
StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder();
strBuilder.append("totalNum: " + response.getTotalNum()
+ "\n");
List<KeyValueForDevice> deviceStats = response.getResult();
for (int i = 0; i < deviceStats.size(); i++) {
KeyValueForDevice keyValue = deviceStats.get(i);
if (i != 0) {
strBuilder.append("" + keyValue.getKey() + ":{"
+ "newDeviceNum=" + keyValue.getValue().getNewDevNum()
+ ",delDeviceNum=" + keyValue.getValue().getDelDevNum()
+ ",onlineDeviceNum=" + keyValue.getValue().getOnlineDevNum()
+ ",addUpDeviceNum=" + keyValue.getValue().getAddUpDevNum()
+ ",totalDeviceNum=" + keyValue.getValue().getTotalDevNum()
+ "}\n");
} catch (PushClientException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
} catch (PushServerException e) {
if (BaiduPushConstants.ERROROPTTYPE) {
throw e;
} else {
"requestId: %d, errorCode: %d, errorMsg: %s",
e.getRequestId(), e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorMsg()));
totalNum: 10
在一些数据统计接口中, 鉴于0存在统计上的数值意义, 为保证类型上的统一, 所以使用了特殊的值 -1, 用于表示该统计项不被支持或尚未有统计数据产生.